Studies reveal that in just one year alone, an Olympic size stadium with a capacity of 80,000 spectators, can divert as much as 150 tonnes of waste from landfills by switching to biocompostable packaging. This would equate to saving approximately 2.3 million litres of water, taking 18 cars permanently off the road, and 120 households switching off their electricity for a year.
Why should YOU stop buying containers, cups, plates and cutlery made from petroleum based plastics again?
Petroleum based plastics come from crude oil, a non-sustainable and non-renewable resource. These plastics also break up into small pieces and can be ingested by marine or bird life, killing them through starvation.
The production of Styrofoam is toxic to our environment. Many studies have revealed that chemicals in polystyrene foam are carcinogenic and could leach into your food or drink.
To effectively reduce the negative environmental impacts of traditional to-go food service-ware and help our cities achieve Zero Waste initiatives, we are making these cutting edge environmentally conscious products available for you and your family. By using our compostable food service ware, you are doing your part to divert more waste from landfill and help save our planet.
This year, more then ever, there will be more organic recycling programs initiated at private and public organizations.
Today, governments at all levels from around the world; Federal, State or Provincial, County and Municipal — are seeking ways to solve the current garbage crisis. They want a healthier environment for their citizens and employees, and they know they need to lower costs at every stage along the supply chain. With a combined purchasing power of billions of dollars annually at all levels, governments have the largest potential to help society achieve sustainable consumption.
Similarly, private enterprises are increasingly finding value in green business practices. The once prevailing view that becoming a green organization would hurt the bottom line has taken a back seat to a growing awareness for environmental responsibility. Further, many find that the cost difference between green products and their standard counterparts is shrinking. In the coming months, the prevalence of green foodservice supplies will expand to many points of consumption; these areas include sports stadiums, convention centers, corporate foodservice operations, and universities.
This is how you can do your part to help solve the Global Garbage Crisis. The Benefits of Organic Recycling Programs & using Bhumi 'Earthware' Products
Organic recycling programs in most cities are there to reduce waste from landfill by diverting organics from garbage and turning them into valuable compost.
City helps to solve the garbage crisis.
When the City of Toronto, Canada closed it’s Keele Valley landfill site in December 2002, it increased disposal costs by more than 300 per cent now that the City’s waste had to be trucked to a private Michigan landfill site.
By 2003, due to the combined organic recycling programs of nearby centres, Etobicoke and Scarborough, 22,000 tonnes of residential organic waste was recycled into compost, resulting in 647 fewer trucks heading to Michigan. That makes a difference.
How Bhumi Products and YOU can make the difference: Lets say that just 2% of the American food packaging market switched to biocompostables, greenhouse gas emissions would decrease by 140 million pounds of carbon dioxide each year or the equivalent of the same amount created by 100,00 cars traveling from New York City to Chicago and back.
Here in Canada “Green Bin” organic recycling programs have been successful at reducing waste from landfill sites by diverting organics from landfill and turning it into compost.
Here is what typically goes into a "Green Bin" organic recycling program to make valuable compost.
- Bhumi Plates, Bowls, Cups and Spoons
- Dairy products, egg shells
- Coffee grounds, filters, tea bags
- Soiled paper towels, tissues
Please check with your local garbage collection agency to find out more about your Green Bin Program.
Source reduction actually prevents the generation of waste in the first place, so it is the most preferred method of waste management and goes a long way toward protecting the environment.
If your current foodservice program uses disposable foodservice supplies, there are several benefits to consider using the green versions of these products as it relates to Source Reduction.
Saves Natural Resources: using foodservice supplies made of tree-free sustainable materials not only saves trees, but also reduces the cost of land, water and transportation required to manufacture these products.
Reducing Toxicity of Waste: if your foodservice program requires disposable supplies, then consuming Earth-friendly products made of all-natural materials will result in their bio-degradation into safe soil elements over a period of 90 to 180 days. Conversely, products made from Petroleum plastics and polystyrene (Styrofoam) will not compost and eventually release toxins into the environment over a period of decades.
Reducing the Cost of Waste: composting and recycling of disposable foodservice supplies, whether onsite or offsite, will reduce the cost of municipal waste systems.
Sustainability is the idea that civilization as a whole can act in a way that supports not only social equality but also protects the earth’s ecosystems and natural resources for generations to come.
Zero Waste mandates enacted by municipalities means all material for disposal must be either recyclable or compostable.
Cost to send waste to landfill is on average double that of the cost to send to compost centres. Bhumi Products is currently looking for eligible partners for the creation of State of the Art Composting Aerobic and Anaerobic Centres to service the ever expanding need for additional composting capacities in North America and the world
Be a leader and purchase Bhumi Products today